Thursday 30 May 2013

English For Business Purposes (Reflective Journal)

Academic integrity can be defined as the pursue of education in an open, responsible and honest manner. It is also often times know as a code of morality and ethical policy of specific academics. Academic integrity is defined by University of West England (UWE) as a culture of honest and mutual trust. Through academic integrity, I have also learnt that credit should be given to other people when their resources are used in our assignments.

It is important to adhere to the rule of academic integrity because the university has a responsibility to ensure that students graduate from their programs with the required skills to participate in the community or workforce.  An inaccurate representation of my disciplinary knowledge and academic skills could compromise the university’s reputation as well as my own. Furthermore, academic integrity is also important upholding the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. These values are important so that students learn how to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and to develop awareness of the responsibilities and rights.

I would apply academic integrity in my studies by not plagiarizing the assignments given to me. I would use the proper guidelines needed for referencing if I have taken information from other people’s work. I would also make sure that the assignments done by me is true and fair and free from dishonesty such as copying and collusion. Moreover, I can also apply academic integrity in my studies by showing respect to the ideas produced by others.  I should also be able to support the arguments presented by me with proper references and citations.

In my opinion, I have successfully equipped myself with various Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) by learning academic integrity. The first Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities that I am equipped with is “Discipline Specific Knowledge”. Through this capability I am able to put theories into practice, for example from learning presentation skills in the English for Business Purposes module I am now able to give good presentations.  I also understand professional practice and ethical issues in the context of the field of study. Secondly, academic integrity has also equipped me with “Lifelong Learning”. Through this TGC I am able to learn independently. When I am given an assignment, I am able to find, extract, synthesize and utilize information effectively. Besides that, I have also equipped myself with “Citizenship and Global Perspective”.  By gaining this capability I understand the value of civic responsibility and community engagement. I am also able to form opinions and able to consider opinions and suggestions given by other in a discussion. I am also able to work in a group and being tolerant and understanding.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Introduction to Accounting ( Reflective Journal 1)

"How does the accounting knowledge gained in your study of 'Introduction to Accounting' benefit you in your future career? Do you think this module is relevant or not relevant to you, especially if you are not going to major in Accounting and Finance ?"

The accounting knowledge gained in my study of “Introduction to Accounting” has a definite benefit in my future career as the pathway I have currently chosen is majoring in Accounting and Finance. I would also like to obtain my ACCA certification after the completion of my degree in order to be a certified accountant.  Hence, this module is relevant to me and in fact it is one of my favorite modules in this semester. I personally think Accounting is a very important knowledge to be gained because Accounting determines how a business is doing and what the bottom line is.