Sunday 9 June 2013

Microeconomics (Reflective Journal)

You are required to critically reflect your engagement with the module, such as your comments on the syllabus, learning challenges, experiences, etc… The task has to be submitted to your e-portfolio which needs to be established in advance.

Being a pure art stream student in high school, I was lucky enough to be exposed to Economics at such an early stage. This subject easily became my favorite unexpectedly despite the fact that I am weak in Mathematics. However, I realized and learnt that the basic rule of excelling in Economics is by understanding its core principles and applying it to real life situation, and not by memorizing them. 

The first lecture was interesting and I could understand and catch up easily due to some basic knowledge during my high school years. However, since it has been a long time, my Economics knowledge was a little bit rusty here and there.  Ms. Marina explained the four factors of production which is labor, land, capital and entrepreneur. When these factors are put together, it gives us a better understanding on how these inputs causes an economic profit.

In lecture 2, my knowledge expended on how to explain the influences on demand and supply and also how to use demand and supply models to make predictions about changes in prices and quantities.  Besides that, I also learnt about law of demand, law of supply, change in quantity demanded and quantity supplied, change in demand and supply and lastly about normal good and inferior good.

In lecture 3, I successfully learnt how to define, explain and calculate the factors that influence the price elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of demand and the income elasticity of demand and as well as explaining the factors that influence the elasticity of supply.

In lecture 4, this module thought me how to explain and elaborate the concept of consumer surplus and procedure surplus, the effects of a taxes and its connection with the price elasticity of demand. Furthermore, I also learnt about how price ceiling and price floor can bring about an effect to the market equilibrium. Deadweight loss and tax incidence are two new terms I picked up from this chapter.

In lecture 5, I learnt about background to demand and how to differentiate between the short run and long run production time frames, describe the law of diminishing marginal returns, and determine the increasing, constant and decreasing returns to scale. I also learnt about the preferences and indifference curves.

In lecture 6 and lecture 7, I learnt how to explain the relationship between a firm’s output and costs in the short run, derivation of long run cost curves and how to explain the relationship between firms output and costs in the long run. I also now know how to produce the short run cost curves.

In lecture 8, I learnt how to explain how price and output is determined in this market structure, define competition, explain why firms in this market may shut down temporarily, and exhibit the implication of free entry in the market structure.

In lecture 9, I learnt to define monopoly, explain how a single price monopoly and a price discrimination monopoly, compare performance and efficiency of a single price-monopoly and perfect competition and lastly understand how a regulated monopoly influences price, output, economic profit and efficiency.

In this module, I was also required to do an economics weblog as an individual assignment. From this assignment, I was able to demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate in writing the application of microeconomics, understanding various concepts and principles and also presenting and analyzing the microeconomics ideas and statement in a clear form. I learnt how to apply the concept of demand and supply to a real life situation. From my extensive research, I successfully matched the theory of my choice to the history of the infamous Tickle Me Elmo. 

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